Jeff's review for Country Thunder, Twin Lakes, WI (07/20)
WOW! Again im amazed with how our girl performs live. What a show this was! You guys may end up getting bored with my reviews since she’s so consistently amazing!
Got to the show in time to see Miranda lambert perform before carrie. I have to say its really different watching someone perform and you don’t really know their music. It wasn’t until she performed Kerosene at the end of her set that I got into her performance. It was drizzling during her set and I was hoping it would stop in time for carrie, cos no way was I going to risk my camera to take photos in the rain.
At 6, it was carrie’s turn, and the rain was no more. It was an overcast day so no problems of sunburn either. What can I say. It was supposed to rain in Fowlerville and Pittsburgh, but it didn’t. carrie underwood brings good weather!
The stage here had an interesting set up. Right in the center, in between the 2 front center sections was a runway that extended from the stage all the way to the end of the front section! And boy did carrie work that runway out! She went up and down it on several occasions. I was 10 seats in from the center and goodness knows how many toes I trod on to rush to the runway to take some pics of her when she was working it! She mentioned how it reminds her of a fashion show!
One of the best parts was during the early part of her show, people who were lined across the runway stuck their hands out and carrie reached down to touch each person’s hand. I too stuck my hand out, and what can I say? It feels awesome to get touched by an angel . It’s a miracle my knees didn’t buckle lol
Carrie made some cute comments after performing BHC. She was like “guys please don’t be afraid of me! (I was thinking hey im not afraid lol) ive been getting a lot of bats in the mail lately, I don’t know what im going to do with them all, I guess give them to security I dunno.” She then went on to apologize about her hair.
The crowd was pretty subdued. I think because she had already done a solo show in green bay and opened for alan Jackson in Milwaukee just a couple of weeks back. So there weren’t that many people with carrie shirts on. Most were there for the main act at the end, keith urban.
However, she really got the crowd rocking with sweet child of mine, and she made another move towards the runway and I again trod on some toes I think to rush there to get a video clip the crowd went nuts for her when she finished. People around me were like “oh my God, is she awesome or what!?”
Carrie also got great applause for DFTRM and JTTW. She thanked the crowd and her fans, but she didn’t talk as much maybe since this wasn’t totally her crowd. She did all her songs from her usual set with the exception of IAICA.
So, now off to meet miss underwood. I don’t know, I’ve met her a number of times but I still feel nervous lol. I had gotten her a present (that is related to what I made for her when I saw her in Green Bay) and a card. So finally it was my turn to meet her. What would happen this time? She smiled at me and said “Hi!” I handed her the present and she was “awww thank you! Cute! Very nice! Thank you!” I then flipped the present around since that was the side I wanted her to see and she was “I remember!” i placed a bag on the table and she got keith to put the present in the bag. (keith must be wondering, this crazy guy, not only do I have to do extra work following carrie at these signing sessions, I got to carry presents from her crazy fans) one more thing I have to add. I don’t know if it’s the water up here in the Midwest, or it was the shirt she was wearing (she had changed out of her concert clothes and was wearing the blue and white tshirt she wore for her Kenny chesney show in Tampa, which is my 2nd fav shirt of hers, and white shorts), but she was breathtakingly beautiful and whatever I had planned to say to her went down the toilet. I just looked at her as she signed my picture. So it was just like a few seconds of silence between us as she signed. So when she was done she was “here you go!” I thanked her (brain managed to function to thank her haha) and carrie as polite as ever went “you’re welcome! Thanks for coming back!”
So, what a great show! The different stage setting certainly made the show so interesting, and also getting my hand touched by carrie… haha
After carrie was leann rimes. She just had surgery on her knee and this was her first show since the surgery. She was moving fine and didn’t look like someone who just had surgery. Let me say this. I am not really a fan of her songs when I hear them on the radio, and I have never bought a single CD of hers. But what a great live performer and vocalist she is. Man, that girl can sing. I would definitely go to another of her concerts if she came around my area.
Keith urban closed the show. He mentioned that last year there was a thunderstorm at this venue and the stage got blown over. About 35 minutes into his set, there was this huge bolt of lightning and it started pouring. I wasn’t prepared for the rain so I had to leave my seat to seek shelter, and then decided to leave. Keith urban is the anti-carrie lol
Pics and video coming up! Hey 19th row this time, can’t get 2nd row all the time Also got pics of Miranda, leann and keith urban
pics here
Click above!
the present and card i got her
full body view

front view

back view


Dude I never get tired of reading your reviews. Really. Living vicariously through your posts are my only ways of "seeing" Carrie live. lol
I DL'd the THB(LGO) video and man it was great. Once again, thank you so much. You that that's my favorite song and it was great to hear it live for the first time. I'm gonna rip the audio as soon as I can so I can listen to it whenever I want.
And man were you close dude. I bet Carrie looked great in person because she looked amazing from my vantage point. lol I love her in just shorts and a tee dude. I mean, I love her in anything, but she looks great without even really trying too hard. I know you'll agree with that. And she shouldnt' have apologized about her hair. Looked great with it up.
Thanks once again for the great review. Still freakin' jealous of you ... in case you didn't notice.
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