Jeff's Oneida Casino Concert Review (Green Bay 07/07)
wow. im in awe of our girl once again. it just boggles my mind how carrie keeps improving from each show that i see her at. wow
a few notes:
1) i attended this concert with don and sara (don has had some amazing luck at the casino. he's trying to win back his airfare now i think.)
2) no pictures from my side. we spoke to some of the security folks before the show and they were very clear they would not be permitting photos. don and i did not bring our cameras. they didnt check for cameras in the end but really cracked down on folks who took photos. sara decided to take the risk and managed like 10 photos i think before someone from the security crew shouted at her.
3) pardon me as im pretty tired lol so i wont go into too much detail here. green bay is 450 miles from home for me. thankfully i decided to split the drive over 2 days, but i hardly slept last night probably from the excitement
back to the review:
the 3 of us were already in line (this is a general admission concert) at around 430pm. doors didnt open till 7 and the concert started at 8. yea talk about 3 dedicated carrie fans! so the crowd was let in at 7 and by 750 was beginning to be restless. the organizers decided to distract everyone by showing the crowd on the big screens, which is something that never fails to excite a crowd. so people were waving their arms and putting up the signs they made for carrie. a couple of signs were zoomed in onto the screen. i had a sign with me and the lady in front of me was liek hey why dont you put up your sign. so i decided to wait till the camera was around my area before putting up my sign. and amazingly, they decided to zoom right onto my sign! the folks around me got pretty excited, haha, probably more excited than i showed lol, and right there and then, the band came out and carrie too with young and beautiful
ok, on her attire. she had a white tank top on and white shorts, and instead of boots, she wore like 4 inch high heels! she was hot i have to admit (wait i say that everytime haha). how on earth she was moving and working the stage in those heels is unbelievable. she did mention early on the show that its hard moving in those heels and that the ladies would understand how she felt lol.
carrie brought DA HOUSE DOWN with sweet child of mine. OMG the place was rockin to it!
my favorite performances vocally were TWII, DFTRM, wasted, the night before and JTTW. as usual, she thanked the crowd for making JTTW the success it is, and the crowd gave her a long ovation (it had to be standing, this was a standing room only venue) and again she was pretty shy and didnt really know how to react to the long applause. i loved how cherie smiled at carrie when the applause was seemingly never-ending. i think carrie needs to call martina mcbride to get some advice on how to deal with these long ovations
she also said other cute things like how the fans are her bosses and thanked us for putting where she is today. there was someone who wanted to pass her flowers, and carrie tried to reach out to take them, but couldnt reach them, so when she was singing she was like "sorry i cant reach them!" and got the security to pass the flowers to her.
also, the fiddler ashely had these darth vader looking sunglasses on. seriously, it looked so out of place in the band and there was a part where carrie and ashley were singing and looking into each others eyes, and after the song, carrie commented she had just "made fun of ashleys glasses since someone has to do it"
its really great to see the band get more comfortable with each other, the way they interact. i know i gave them some beef a while back but they are putting on a show themselves.
ok, no wback to my sign. i think it was during TWII when i decided to put up my sign for her to see. not sure if she saw it, but then she commented that "the crowd had many interesting signs for her!" (and there were many). at the end of her set, when she was singing IAICA, don suggested i put my sign up one more time, and i figured why not. so right at the end, i put it up again, and this time, she cleary saw it and laughed (you all know how sweet i think her laugh is). what can i say, that made my day lol
so after her set is done, we were like ok wheres the merchandise booth. we went out of the tent (the stage was in a tent) looking for it and couldnt find it. many of the folks were walking out and left the place, but we were pretty sure she was gonna do some autos. so we asked one of the security folks abou tht ebooth and they were setting up one inside the tent! so we went back in. and then the security folks announced "ok, please form a line here!" and we knew yea, carrie was gonna come out. as i said, many had already left so there werent eve 200 folks who were in line for the auto.
so the time came when it was my turn. i tried to appear calmer this time, but believe me my stomach was churning! so when i met her i asked her to autograph the sign i made and i placed it in front of her. she looked at it and said something like "oh the sign!" and giggled and mumbled somethings. or maybe it was her giggle that made me have brain cramps cos i really didnt catch what she said to me after that. so as you all know she has this amazing way of interacting with her fans by looking at them in the eye, and when she did that, i suffered from more brain cramps. i was thinking through what i wanted to say to her while in the line. well, none of that came out of my mouth. she looked at me and asked who she should make the auto out to. so i said "jeff" and she was like "j-e-f-f?". she has this adorable way of spelling i guess... more brain cramps. after that i thanked her, but crap, i didnt get to say what i wanted to say to her lol
for the curious, here is the sign

I'm reading and posting via work which is something I really should not be doing. lol
I really enjoyed your review dude. I loved them all. Sucks that the venue didn't allow cameras. I hate when that happens. Don't know what the venue is afraid of ...
Glad you had a great time. Wish I could see the sign but PhotoBucket is blocked on my work computer so I can't see this image or any of the hot Carrie pics on your page. :( Gotta wait until I get home to see your sign.
Great review dude!
LMAO @ the sign ... a couple days after reading your post. :p
lol it took me a whole day to make it. i suck at arts and crafts. so imagine me, 23 yrs old bending my back with my knees on the floor with markers and all that. the things i do for carrie... at least she liked it :p
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