Monday, May 28, 2007

Jeff’s AC second concert review

Carrie sang the same songs as she did the night before, except she added Whenever You Remember. She was definitely less nervous and didn’t forget the words to the songs, although I think SCOM was a lil different, I can’t quite put my finger to what exactly though. The crowd was MUCH better, although we were still told to sit down when we got up for SCOM lol. the sound crew also worked out the kinks with her mic so there wasn’t any problems with that last night. For her encore, the crowd rushed to the front of the venue and security gave up telling people to go back to their seats lol. carrie had a cute greenish floral short dress and jeans. Her style is just so cute!

I recall reading what another country artist, jack ingram, say about carrie as a performer: he said she is just so raw and real, and I think that is really a great description. I’ve seen most of the big country acts in concert, and Carrie is definitely the most real. With her cute banter in between songs, you really get the sense that she enjoys performing on stage and she treats her fans like friends. And of course, that voice of hers. Tonight, she talked about the recording process for DFTRM, that it was done when she was on tour with AI, and how that was the first time she really was away from home, and she got really homesick and how the song hit her. At this moment the crowd gave her a big “awwww!” and she also said that she thinks the song was recorded in seattle, and how she was bawling and squalling (the crowd gave her another “awww!”) when she was recording the song and somehow mark bright managed to make something out if it!

I got to meet her (again) after the show, and she is really just such a TOTAL SWEETHEART. We talked for a bit and she really talks to her fans like how I would imagine she would talk to a friend. She really looks you in the eye, and I was just being spellbound looking into her eyes throughout. Gosh, she really has expressive and beautiful eyes. At the end, I was just totally melted and forgot to say something I wanted to tell her lol. she signed my pistons hat, so that means my boys will be winning the championship!

Oh yea, before I forget. Don pulled a don again. I wanted him to make things up to me for screwing my pic with carrie the night before, so he was supposed to take a pic again. Well, when I was 2 people away from meeting carrie. I realized don was panicking. His camera went out!!! “Change batteries” LMAO. I was like dude, theres no time to change the batteries and I shoved my camera into his hands. Then I go and talk to carrie and at the end I asked if we could take a pic and we both looked at don and he had already taken a pic of us!!! What the heck! He took a candid pic of us talking lmao.


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