My Country Cares For Hurricane Relief Concert @ Auburn Hills review

Some thoughts about the concert overall:
1)is it legal to have 3 awesome voices in the same venue at the same time?
2)I do think that LeAnns arrangement was awesome, and martinas band was better than carries (kinda expected since carries band is less experienced; for those wondering about the backups, their volume was perfect!)
3)Im still scratching my head how the mic and sound system in general survived Carrie’s, LeAnn’s and Martina’s voices. How on earth did they not crack?
4)I was disappointed that the 3 of them did not have a song together.
Since I got the $275 ticket, I was part of the pre-concert party. We (I went with my friend Charlie and his mom) were like queuing outside the VIP lounge waiting to enter then saw a cute little blonde girl walk past the line into the lounge! It was Carrie!!! AHHHH!!! But we had to wait like another 30 minutes before entering the lounge for the pre-show party! I went in and LeAnn was there! She was really sweet I gave her my present ( I got all of em presents) she was like “thank ewe!”, and I gave her my concert tshirt to sign on, and then had a pic taken with her!
OK, now we were like hanging around the lounge, not wanting to eat any of the food… haha, then we saw 2 lines being formed! One for martina and one for carrie. Guess whos line we picked lol! (I love martina a lot but carries number 1 in my heart ;) ). So we queued up the darn queue was soooo long!!! So we waited and waited until it was the turn for the group in front of us to take pics with carrie. The darn security said “that’s all! Carrie has to go NOW!” I was like OMG OMG noooooooo!!! Charlie’s mom managed to “grab” Carrie and I took a pic of them. Then the darn security guy said “OK she really has to go now!” and carrie started walking away. I was like noooooo! So I said her name out (she was like 4 feet away from me) “please Carrie just one more pic for me?” she turned around and walked (ok 4 feet lol) to me and was something like “OK! Gotta be quick!” (cant remember the exact words my mind was in a whirlwind) She was really pretty in her black skull tshirt, jeans and boots and she looked really really fresh! haha so I put my arm round her and she put hers round me! I couldn’t get her autograph though… And in all that madness I forgot to give her my present! So I had to get one of the event staff to pass Carrie and Martina’s presents to them for me. (I got carrie a cute teddy bear with the words “I Love You Carrie” on the thsirt of the bear haha) hope they got their presents!
I was really disappointed at the way the pre-party was run… I mean there was no way to get both martina and carrie cos there were separate lines for the 2 of them… I thought they would all be sitting by tables and everyone would queue up to get all their pics and autographs but it was really disorganized. The lounge was also too small to hold everyone.
Now onto the concert! I got like a seat in the fourth row near the center of the stage (was seated with Charlie and Ashley (NCcarriefan))! Carrie sang 7 songs! She was superb and I was like jumping up and down and screaming throughout her songs, even during HYMLC lol I was the only nut standing up for that song… (for those who were there if you saw a guy in a white tshirt bobbing up and down during HYMLC, that’s most likely me!) She was moving all over the stage and was really really cute! She really is awesome to listen to live omg omg better than her album! (the volume for the backup was also perfect ;) ) She thanked the crowd for supporting the benefit concert, for helping make JTTW the success it is, and wished everyone happy holidays (at different times). The crowd really appreciated her a lot and she got awesome applauses whenever she hit all the glory notes! Awesome awesome!
Carries songs (in order):
Some Hearts
Before He Cheats
Night Before (Life Goes On)
Inside Your Heaven
Jesus Take the Wheel
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Next up was LeAnn Rimes! I must admit I haven’t really followed her songs as much as Carrie and Martina, but she too was awesome! She really worked the crowd superbly and I really liked the acoustic arrangement she had (she had 2 guitarist and a guy on a dobro that’s all! Apparently she flew in from Vegas the day before). I really liked the arrangement! She got standing ovations for “Probably Wouldn’t be this way” and “How do I live”.
LeAnns songs (I cant remember all, in no order):
Cant Fight the Moonlight
Probably Wouldn’t be This Way
How Do I Live
Me and Bobby McGee
One Way Ticket
This Love
Nothing About Love Makes Sense
Finally last up was Martina!!! I went crazy as well for her (she is my fav after carrie). She came out rocking with God Fearin women (one slight complaint was that her band was a little loud during her upbeat songs). Wow martina is also truly amazing live! She sang 18 songs ( I may have forgotten some lol). Also in between Martina’s songs, the sponsors presented a family who lost their home due to Katrina with the keys to their new home! And Carrie and LeAnn came up to sign one of the wooden blocks that would go onto the house! Martinas vocal power and range is unbelievable I was just in awe throughout all her performances!!! She got at least 3 standing ovations.
Martinas songs (in no order):
God Fearin Women
Wild Angels
Concrete Angel
Happy Girl
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden
You Ain’t Woman Enough
Heartaches by the Number
Help me Make it through the nite
Broken Wing
My Baby Loves Me
In My Daughters Eyes
This Ones for the Girls
Hit Me with Your Best Shot
O Holy Night
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Where would You be
I hardly attend concerts, and after this experience I don’t think I can listen to many other singers after the amazingly high standards these 3 ladies have set. Their voices were so powerful, my ears are still deaf as im typing this out, but im happily deaf lol!
I will put my pics up after my friend is done fixing them!
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