Jeff's Greensboro Review --- his final meeting with Miss Carrie (what happened???)
Another great show put on by our lovely and talented miss carrie underwood. This show was awesome as there were quite a few interesting things happening.
-Carrie wore the same outfit she had in Missouri, which is probably one of my favorite “non-red” outfit she has since I really think she looks like a princess in this. She was pretty talkative during the show and was just so endearing in her chatter to the crowd.
-After one of the songs early in the set, she look at mark (the bass player) and went “mark, is that yoghurt behind you? Why do you have yoghurt? Lets have something like pizza or chocolate!”
-She mentioned how she isn’t too good with chatting and that she often goes “off tangent”. So everytime she spoke to the crowd she went “see! I go off tangent again!”
-After another song, she made a great declaration “I am a dork! I really am!”
-During SCOM, during the part where Ed zones out playing the guitar, he actually ran off the stage and into the audience. Carrie pointed in his direction. Sara and I were like where the heck is he??? And finally I spot him in the audience! He then made a somewhat unsuccessful attempt to get back on the stage as he actually tripped on the steps, so he stumbled but didn’t fall down. At the end of the song carrie was like “oh, ed, you gave me a fright!”
-During wasted, at the end where Ashley does his thing with the fiddle running all over the stage, he also ran off the stage and into the audience!!! At this time sara and I were like “man imagine if carrie ran out to the crowd!” so after that, she commented that ed and Ashley had taken their turns running out to the crowd and so who would be next? “Maybe Lemar?” she said, “but he has to stay with his green drums! We’ll figure something out for lemar!”
-During the end of I just cant live a lie as carrie is singing the last few lines with her eyes closed, Ashley took a bouquet of flowers that a fan had given carrie earlier in the show and then went down on one knee holding the flowers, as if proposing to carrie. When carrie finally opened her eyes she got a surprise and yelped out “oooohhh!!!” and laughed heartily and everyone cracked up. “you scared me Ashley! Bad Ashley!” The best part? I was recording this song on video so I got that part too. I don’t think I will be sending this to mrs clark lol
-She took time to show her appreciation for the gifts the fans put on the stage for her. She showed off the bouquet of flowers to the crowd (the one that Ashley later used to “propose” to her); someone threw a puppet carebear on the stage and carrie actually picked it up and played with it as she sang (I got a picture of that!); and she also put on a necklace and said she had to use the things that fans give her!
-She also commented that performing in NC was pretty nice since the weather is great. She talked about how some venues were cold and as luck would have it, she would be performing indoors when the weather outside was nice (this was in an auditorium). She obviously hasn’t heard of the term good-weather carrie :)
This show was just awesome. I will rank this just below Missouri, so this is the 2nd best show I have seen her.
Just somethings about the new members of the band. The new girl really does seem to need more time to learn. Don’t be too hard on her. The new guitarist was really good I thought. If you didn’t know he was new you would have thought he has been with the band for some time. He blended in really well.
Meeting carrie
Of course it seems my review is never complete without mentioning my meeting with carrie after the show. Don sara and I were near the end of the line. It was really long and was extended all the way until we were outdoors! The line grew and grew. Keith and the security people kept coming out to check how long the line is and they were always “Holy crap!” I don’t think carrie is too popular with the even staff since she actually makes them work more than they would need to for other stars lol.
Finally it got to our turn. Sara wanted me to take a pic of her and carrie (since we have the same cam model). Turns out don decided to take a pic of them too. So the funny thing is, carrie was looking at dons camera and sara was looking at mine when the pictures were taken!
As usual, I insisted I went after sara and don, since being last in the group does seem to make me less nervous around carrie. So when it was my turn to meet her i handed her the pic to sign, she was like "which pen should i sign with (silver or black)?" i said i think any color will do. i was stressing showing her the present I got her so i didnt take the opportunity to ask for my pen she stole from me the last time i met her. i showed her the mug and she held it and looked at it and was like "oooh thats cute!!!" i then said "i like the cat's eyes, they reminded me of yours thats why i got it for you. and you have really beautiful eyes!" she then looks at me and goes "aww thank you!"
so she is about to sign the pic and then she said something that absolutely made my day. she went "shall i make this to jeff as usual?"and flashed her signature smile. I was freaking out at this point! OMG not only does she remember me she remembers my name, and knows that i like her to personalize her autographs for me!!! i mean she knows that im a huge fan and she really didnt need to say that to me. it just goes to show how she cares for her fans, not just as fans, but as people too. i couldnt believe my ears. i thought i was a) going to die or b) going to wake up from some dream. but no it was reality! i suffered from brain cramps (duh!) and just nodded my head and smiled like a silly fool. now with my brain suffering my hands had difficulty packing the mug back into the box and into the bag. keith was like "c'mon jeff, we gotta keep the line moving". so i moved aside to pack the mug. i then put the bag next to carrie and as i was about to leave she turned her head and smiled that signature smile of hers at me and said "thank you!" i was suffering from so much cramping i couldnt even thank her or say youre welcome. i just gave her my signature silly smile and left. so yea i did pull a jeff again!
This will be my final meeting with carrie and she totally made my day. I couldn’t sleep that nite and right now, im still running on 2 hours of sleep as I have tons of HW assignments to complete! But wow it is worth it!!!
the present