Have you ever wondered...
Last evening, everyone who tuned in to watch the NFC championship game in Seattle had the wonderful privilege of watching our Carrie perform the Star Spangled Banner so beautifully. Indeed I was with you all posting our excitement and awe for our girl! (some even wanted to mop up after me, but…) I did mention this to some people here: Have you ever wondered what it’ll be like since Carrie was this close to becoming a broadcast journalist? Seeing Carrie grow as a vocalist has brought joy to our lives, yet things could so easily not be like this. Imagine Carrie’s wonderful talent hidden from the world, only for her family and friends to enjoy.
I wonder that sometimes, but I thought a lot about this last night and this morning while walking to classes. (It was crazy. 25 degrees, windy in Michigan everyone was rushing to go indoors while I was taking a slow walk thinking about this) I truly believe now that Carrie brings to us a very important message about life. She always had a dream of becoming a singer since young, and there was never a doubt among those who knew her that she had the talent to make it. Indeed, she went about pursuing that dream, performing at church, various shows, and even recording some cover albums; praying and hoping for her break, and we all know about her picking four-leaf clovers as a kid, wishing to become a singer one day.
Indeed, she even tried to get signed up with a recording label (at 15 I believe). No doubt she had the looks and talent, yet she was not granted her wish. Why was that so? We will never really know for sure. She must have been extremely disappointed, with the answer to her dreams apparently being an emphatic “NO”.
Yet, the amazing thing about this girl was how she responded to her “shattered” dreams. Yes, she continued to perform at fairs and all that, but she decided to pick herself up and adapt to a situation that wasn’t what she had envisioned. She became realistic and worked hard in school to make something of her. Meanwhile, I believe she still prayed and picked those four-leaf clovers, still hoping for the slightest of chances for her dream to come through.
Many of us would have given up when the answer “NO” is given to us. Often, we pray and hope for things in life and expect an immediate answer, hopefully a “YES”. Yet, 99% of the time, the answer to our prayers and hopes is actually a “WAIT”. We are so impatient that we’d actually rather an answer immediately (even a “NO”), than having to wait days, months, or even years for an answer.
As I was thinking about Carrie’s life this morning, it’s amazing as well as a great example for those who are willing to “WAIT” for the answer. We shouldn’t make demands for immediate answers. She was willing to “WAIT”, and I truly believe that it is because of this willingness to “WAIT” that has helped her grow and mature into becoming the amazing young lady who we love not just for her voice, but also for her as a person.
Indeed, because Carrie is so mature and level-headed, I think sometimes she doesn’t realize the impact she is having on all those who listen to her. Watching the national anthem for the millionth time, I really like the part at the end where she turns around to look at the crowd and their response where she goes “wow!” She looked truly amazed with that experience, and it seemed, to me at least, that she took some time to take in everything and be grateful for what she has now.
Carrie’s life story thus far can really be a great example to teach us the importance of patience when pursuing our goals. Life will hardly give you the answers you initially want. There will be bumps along the road and curveballs thrown at you; yet things have a funny way of working out in the end if you don’t give up hope!
Have you wondered… Yes, I have wondered many times what would it be like if Carrie became a journalists instead of displaying her talents for us. Have you wondered… when the answers to your hopes and dreams, or just simple little prayers, will come true. Wait and don’t give up hope. Life will give you a truly amazing answer; much better than you had hoped if you keep the faith!